You werent made to do life alone!


At Newlife, we are committed to raising up healthy, Spirit-filled disciples.

Jesus calls us to be disciples who raise up disciples. 2 Timothy 2:2 says, “‘And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.’” Discipleship is an intentional process that involves declaring and demonstrating. That is, declaring the truths of Scripture combined with demonstrating ministry as found in the Bible. This is continuing the ministry of Jesus in word and deed. Tuesday evenings is one of the times we have set aside to train disciples through a series of five courses that we offer. 

Below is a description of three of the courses. Because a significant part of the class is ministering in table groups, it is essential that you consult your calendar before signing up to ensure you can attend all classes.



    “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
    Ephesians 4.16


    He sent out His word and healed them.
    Psalm 107.20


    The reason the Son of God came was to destroy the devil’s work”.
    1 John 3:8


Discover your identity in Christ, and the healing to live in it!

Have you ever felt disconnected from the love of the Father?
Are you hungry for more but not sure how to walk in it? Our Identity and Healing courses are specifically designed to help you live in your true position as a child of God – free to love and be loved by Him.
To set you up for success we want to make sure you understand the requirements before you sign up for this course. 
These classes aren’t casual Bible studies, instead they are a challenging training experiences, designed to change your life and help you grow in relationship with the Father.

As a result, they require wholehearted and intentional commitment. Therefore we would ask you to please pray about these components prior to enrolling. Your enrollment assumes that you are 100% willing and able to commit to the course requirements. (see below)

*These requirements and expectations only apply to those taking the Identity or Healing courses.


Discipleship Essentials: Identity is an intense six weeks of transformation. You will learn about your identity as a follower of Christ, and develop healthy disciplines for growing in your faith. You will be strengthened in your prayer life, learn to exercise your authority, and overcome sin.

The course costs $40 and includes a collection of sermons and a daily journal.
Each student is given a course manual that can be purchased for an additional cost.

Classes taught by: Pastor Jason Surrell, Robert Jordan and Damian Dyer.

Discipleship: Healing focuses on emotional and relational health through forgiveness. It has the potential to transform your relationships and how you respond to others as you heal the painful memories of the past.

You will experience God’s healing and freedom as God reveals past painful events that are affecting the way you see Him, life, and your relationships with others.

Forgiveness empowers emotional healing as we release to God those things that we carry on a day to day basis. 


*You need to have completed Discipleship Essentials: Identity before enrolling in this class

This training will review what was learned in Discipleship Essentials: Identity and then lead into an in-depth teaching on emotional wounds, soul pain, and how to find healing through a tried-and-tested approach.

The training course includes seven 2-hour classes, as well as a number of daily and weekly activities that will be completed with the support of a dedicated discipleship coach.
Please note that some classes may run slightly later.

The course costs $70 and includes Course manual, daily journal and collection of sermons to encourage you through the healing process.

Classes taught by: Pastor Craig Lawrence, Robert Jordan, Damian Dyer and several guest teachers.


This highly interactive course will offer small group work, hands-on prayer ministry and teaching on the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit. We believe that not only does God redeem our past, but He also heals us of our brokenness and equips to extended the Kingdom of God. By walking in His grace and truth we increasingly become whole people who then minister the gifts of the Spirit via the fruit of the Spirit.

One of the goals of this course is that you will identify your spiritual gifts as well as have greater clarity on the fruit of the Spirit in your life. During this course you will have the opportunity to both receive ministry and also practice ministering to others. We believe everyone in the Body of Christ should be equipped to minister to others.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4.16


“He sent out His word and healed them.”
Psalm 107.20

The overarching theme of Scripture is God’s repeated intervention into the plight of suffering humanity. With the arrival of the Kingdom of God as declared and demonstrated by the ministry of Jesus, this intervention took on clear shape.  The Greek word “sozo” which is used repeatedly in the Gospels, captures the scope of God’s work as its meaning includes “saving”, “delivering” and “healing”. God has commissioned and empowered His people to continue His Kingdom ministry in each generation. Towards that end, Newlife is committed to equipping and empowering God’s people to bring mental, emotional, and physical healing to others.  This course is designed to provide the Biblical rationale for healing, the obstacles to healing, as well as practical hands-on training in small groups and one-on-one as we, by God’s Spirit, do what Jesus has called us to do in extending His kingdom.




“The reason the Son of God came was to destroy the devil’s work”. 1 John 3:8

The Bible describes a real war that is being fought between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan over the souls of humankind. We are called and commissioned by Jesus to continue His ministry to “set the captives free”. All humanity is subject to the results of the fall, our propensity to sin, and the assault of Satan against humanity. Taking our model from the ministry of Jesus and the early church we want to learn how to resist evil by engaging in the battles that God is waging. While we believe that the victory over death and Satan has already been won by Christ’s saving work on the cross, we know that we must still fight skirmishes in our daily lives.

This course is designed to raise our awareness of Spiritual warfare and the various ways it manifests in the world around us. The participant will be equipped in how to discern demonic infestation or harassment, how to do deliverance prayer, and how to minister to those recovering from demonic harassment.

Meet the Discipleship Essentials Directors:

Robert Jordan & Damian Dyer

“These courses are a launching point to a deeper and fuller relationship with Christ and with the people that God has placed around us. I could not imagine my life without experiencing what these courses have to offer.”


  1. Attend all classes. Each class builds on the previous week’s teaching. Therefore failure to attend one class can result in dismissal except for 911 emergencies. Missing two classes will result in dismissal.

  2. Weekly Commitment. In addition to classes, exercises are fundamental in helping you apply teaching to your own life in practical ways. The average daily time that your commitment requires is about 75 minutes. There are ten daily exercises and five weekly training exercises to complete. Additionally, each week, there is a 30 minute phone call with your coach that will review your progress. Students cannot pick and choose training exercises to engage. All the exercises are to be completed weekly during the course training period. At the start of each class, your Coach will review with you, your progress in the class journal book. The expectation is 100% engagement and completion of the exercises.

  3. No Childcare. There is no childcare provided during the class session. Please attend class without children so that you can focus on the instruction God has for you.

  4. Classes. Each class is approximately two hours in length and punctuality is required. Class instruction starts promptly at 7:00 pm and ends about 9:00 pm (please note classes may run slightly later).

  5. Serving. Central to this class is a commitment to serve the Body. You are required to choose from a list of ministries where to serve weekly according to the time needs of the specific ministry. Punctuality is again required. Students are required to serve for three weeks during the class which will be assigned to them.
    Please note that it is not possible to select the dates to serve, provisions will be made with departments for specific dates to be assigned.

  6.  Discipleship Essentials: Healing. To sign up for Healing you are required to have completed Identity first. 

If you agree to these requirements,

Discipleship Testimonials

Hear from some of our past students!

Thiago L.

“Discipleship Essentials opened a door that helped me discover my true identity, taught me good habits, and continues to guide me in keeping my mind and walk with God healthy. Through Discipleship Essentials and the help of the coaches I was able to find answers to all of the questions that had been weighing me down.

Kayla P.

“In the Discipleship Essentials class I came to a full realization of why God sent His son to the cross to die for us. I felt something click in my mind and finally understood the significance of the cross. That realization allowed me to learn about my spiritual identity and how God sees me according to His Word.

Amanda L.

“Discipleship Essentials sharpened my view of God the Father and restored my true identity in Christ. The belief system of needing to earn my love from God was revealed and abolished. God loves me because I am His child. I am not defined by failures, illness, and fear. I am totally forgiven.”