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Pastor Craig opened today’s sermon in Acts 2:14-21.  We are in a series entitled Activating God’s People based on the Book of Acts.  Today’s sermon title from Acts 2 is entitled Unity in the Community Day 1.

Day 1: Souls were the number one priority, thousands were saved and baptized and the discipleship process was born. Pastor Craig shared that unity is the attribute of finding commonality and community with others we may have differences with. God’s Power rests on the unified.

He shared that the death of Jesus was the only way to pay the debt of sin. Peter, empowered by the Holy Spirit, communicated this news to effectively meet the informational needs of his audience. Pastor Craig closed by emphasizing, “be the person who promotes unity!  You and I don’t want to be the person that hinders unity and grieves the Holy Spirit.” How can we promote unity in the church?

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Pastor Doug opened our sermon today from Acts 2:1-12. He shared in verses 1-2 that it is the Day of Pentecost celebration.  On the Jewish calendar it is also harvest time. Pastor Doug shared a progression of three questions:

*The first question:  “How is it that each of us hears them in his own native language?” 

* The second question: “What does this mean?”

* The third question to be addressed next Sunday:  “What shall we do?”

Pastor Doug reflected that one’s language is a window to our soul, it reveals our values, and gives a perspective on our life. Pastor Doug shared that God knows our individual heart language.  God has no language barrier.  We’re called to love others where they are without using guilt and shame.  God already knows each person’s challenges.

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We begin a new sermon series in the Book of Acts today. Pastor Craig opened our first Communion Sunday service of 2025 with the Book of Acts.  The new sermon series title is "Activating God’s People.” The book of Acts empowers and transforms disciples of Christ to share the Good News of Jesus to the world around us. Acts records the growth of the church within the power of the Holy Spirit over time.

After briefly introducing the book of Acts, Pastor Craig focused on Acts 1:1-11. Pastor Craig shared that activating God’s Plan results in freedom from strongholds experienced from life’s belief patterns. Pastor Craig reflectively asked everyone:  “Jesus’ Power is real, do you live it?”

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Pastor Craig opened today’s sermon entitled “God, What Are Your Dreams for Me in 2025?”  Today is Dream Sunday.  

Pastor Craig asked reflectively how many wanted to see the different things God will do in their lives during 2025?  Or, do your dreams ahead align with God’s Dreams?

Despite our challenges and or struggles God is always Good.  We’re encouraged to align our lives with His Plan that is personally customized for each of us. We do this through God’s Word and prayer.

Pastor Craig focused on humility, obedience and worship as focuses for our dreams for 2025. These help us be able to dream more effectively and serve others better.

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