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Pastor Doug opened our sermon series Activating God’s People in the Book of Acts from Acts 5:17-42. Today’s sermon is entitled Breaking the Fear of Man.
Pastor Doug summarized that fear in life is related to a life focused on pleasing and seeking the approval of people. Jesus’ Love conquers fear. In today’s verses from Acts 5, the Sadducees are the models of seeking the approval of people, while the disciples model the fear of God.
Pastor Doug emphasized that the disciples adopted their Spiritual Identity in Christ as the Christian model to live in. He emphasized that Jesus’ death on the Cross purchased us from sin’s grip. God doesn’t owe us anything. He purchased us to live fearlessly.
Pastor Craig opened our sermon series from the Book of Acts, Activating God’s People inside Chapter 5 today. He entitled the sermon “Holy Awareness.” We covered Acts 4:32-5:16. He noted that we are called priests as taught in 1 Peter 2:9: “I am a royal priesthood.” As empowered priests of God we have God’s authority to minister to people. Jesus loves us and died to redeem us so we can enter into his way of life.
The two characters Ananias and Sapphira were part of the new church. Both agreed and sold property but their private motives were different than their public intentions of giving from the property sale. Pastor Craig observed and reflected upon their motives as revealed by Peter.
Pastor Craig reflected that Jesus Christ always speaks the Truth. God gives time for our restoration from a lifestyle distracted by sin. We’re called to shut the door to the enemy’s knock at the door.
Pastor Doug opened today’s sermon Going on the Offense within Acts 4:23-37, in our series from the Book of Acts, Empowering God’s People. He introduced the theme “Taking the Initiative”, which is done in two ways: The first is through Prayer, the second is through Generosity. Prayer and generosity combat a form of oppression found in persecution and poverty.
Pastor Doug pointed out that unity is evident inside the group of disciples. God is faithful as they unify and activate. Prayer moves us past our circumstances. Jesus bought our lives on the Cross. His Word and Prayer activate the new life in Christ.
Pastor Doug reflectively shared that wisdom and compassion marry to produce generosity. He added that generosity breaks the spirit of poverty and oppression. It’s an aggressive assault on the spirit of poverty often related to generational behaviors.
Pastor Craig opened our sermon from The Book of Acts- Activating God’s People in Acts 4:1-22. Today’s sermon title is Signs, Wonders, and Opposition.
Pastor Craig shared that today we are God’s temples. He encouraged everyone to live a life committed to continuous prayer throughout the day and night. Miracles are preceded by prayer and engagement of the Lord. Pastor Craig shared that time spent with Jesus transforms and empowers.
Pastor Craig shared that the Holy Spirit empowered Peter and John to be His witnesses. We are called into the same activation and empowerment. Go and Do became a lifestyle. God’s Ways are Mighty. His Way is our way. Pastor Craig concluded that Jesus wants to fill us spiritually. He is our Capstone and Cornerstone.